Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Night's Theme

My theme is No one has the right to play god and judge and kill whoever he or she pleases. The nazi's would pick who was strong and healthy enough to work for them. If they were not good enough they would send them to the gas chambers or the creamitorium. For the babies they would throw them in the air and shoot them. Even if you did survive the selection that doesn't mean you'll live. You can still die from over-working or starve to death on the cattle cars.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Plot Line: Contents of the dead man's pocket

Exposition: Tom and Clare are introduced. Tom ask clare if its ok to the movies alone cause he has to stay and finish his work. His paper he was working on flew out the window and landed on a stone ledge in between buildings.

Rising action: Tom try's to forget out how to get the paper without climbing out the window, but figures out the only way is to climb out and get it. He decides if he should climb out or not, but climbs out and gets it cause he put too much work into that paper. While trying to get the paper he looks down and starts to panic. He grabs the paper and starts to make his way back. While trying to climb back in he slips and closes the window shut. He try's to attract people on the street by throwing change off the building but fails. Then he try's to light things in his pocket on fire but also fails. Thinks about breaking through window but does not have the strength to break it. This lets him think about how he didn't spend a lot of time on his wife and more on his work.

Climax: Tom uses all his force to break through the window.

Falling Action: He makes it through the window and into his room. He puts his paper back down on the table in releif. Grabs his coat so he can go see his wife.

Resolution: Before he leaves the paper blown out the window again but tom just laughs and leaves to see clare.


1. Person vs Person: Tom's wife clare worrys that toms works too hard and wants him to take it easy but tom tells her that this is too important to lay off. Clare excepts it then leaves.

2. Person vs Self: Trying to decide whatever or not to go climb out to go get his work, but ends up cause there was two months worth of work he had written. Also he thought others who may have done the same work may gradually mark him out because he decided not to get his work.

3. Person vs Nature: The wind is kind of taunting tom as he's getting the paper. The first time is when the wind blew the paper out the window and the secound time is the wind blew the paper out again but tom doesn't care anymore.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Definition: Character that represents oppsition against the protagonist.

Example: Darth Vader from star wars. He try's to stop the rebellion from destroying the death star.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Showing Vs Telling

The room was a mess.

I opened the door to find the toxic landfill that is my room. My jaw dropped at the horrific site. I look down at the floor to find nothing but clothes and mice running around. I closed the door and sighed as I begun to clean my room.

It was really hard.

I looked at the TV with such fury, clutching my controller. I watched in fear as I see a big gap that could lead mario to his doom. I took a breath and started to run toward the gap and took a big jump over the gap. I closed my eyes for moment and opened them again to see that he had made it. I jumped up for joy. But it was short lived as I seen a goomba had killed mario, and I had no more lives left. I fell to my knees and screamed at the TV, knowing that I had to start all the way back from the beginning.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008

My Weekend

I had an ok weekend.
Just the time playing games and and going on my laptop.
So I had a pretty boring weekend.